
    Amazing news for non-iOS mobile journalists and filmmakers - Lumafusion is now on Android and Chromebooks.

    The consensus is that it’s the best mobile video editor.

    Well, I think we all now have more insight into how hard it is to run a social network well…

    Well, I’d completely forgotten just how much noise the echo of 30-odd primary school children and a bouncy castle can make in an otherwise empty sports hall.


    Sadly, a birthday weekend doesn’t make me exempt from the business of being Daddy taxi for most of it: Brownies, swimming lessons (x2), Sea Lights and (joy of joys) a children’s bouncy castle party.

    I will need ALL THE COFFEE. ☕️


    I have a certain admiration for the attempt to move people over, but I’m not sure it will work.

    Well, I suppose the good thing about the reports that Revue (owned by Twitter) will be gone by the end of the year, dead by order of Musk, is that I now have licence to officially abandon my neglected newsletter there…

    Working late at the office, adding a feast of links to Moodle, for the journalism students to ”enjoy”…

    Well, it might have been chucking it down all day, and the wind has thrown things around the garden, but given how dry the summer was, I figure the plants could really do with it.

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