Morning beach walk.

Shoreham Beach looking towards the sea.

I just betrayed my principles and did a rant as a Twitter thread not a blog post.

I shall say 3 “Hail Sir Tim”s, and recommit to the open web.

I love our beach.

Shoreham Beach in West Sussex on a Sunday morning.

Incredible light streaming into the house this evening.

Evening light streaming into our living room.

Current status:

Chilling in the garden with a coffee.

That’s quite a sunset.

Sunset over Shoreham Beach.

Fear my mighty traybake powers.

A sausage traybake.

Mackerel skies.

Mackrel skies over Shoreham-by-Sea.

Twitter, death threats and civility: rethinking journalism on social media

(Or why your spicy hot takes are making everything worse.)

Schadenfreude as a personal indulgence, not a public performance

15 years on, journalists are still talking nonsense about blogs

This person has no idea what they are talking about:

The reason no one talks about “blogging” anymore is that, for what blogs were good at — sending your personal views on the news (or some other topic) to a dedicated audience — other tools offered simpler, more effective tools for doing just that, most notably social networks. Why go through the trouble of setting up your own blog and slogging through a cumbersome back-end CMS when you can just create an account on Twitter and start sharing hot takes in a couple of minutes?

Well, here’s an hack who clearly has it paid any attention to what’s happening in blogging right now.

Plenty of people talk about blogs and blogging. Just not in politics and news journalism. Go and have a look at fashion, and it’s a different story.

It makes it hard for me to take the rest of the story seriously, though.

Spending my evening editing the videos of yesterday’s lectures.

I know how to live.

LumaFusion export.


A cygnet in the lake at Woods Mill.

Lecturing kit, COVID-19 style.

A promise of new life.

An acorn still on a branch.

Fantastic day out walking with the girls. So tired, but so happy.

The meadow at Woods Mill.

And finally, we have the app.

Oh, sweet joy. iOS14 has brought emoji search to the iPhone. 🙌🏼

That URL looks completely legit and I shall be claiming straight away. 🙄

Weekend cooking. 👌🏻

Chopping courgettes and shallots. Chicken and artichoke tray bake.

A nice early autumn surprise in the garden.

A flower blooming in the grass.

Everything wrong with both Facebook and internet fandom in one screencap.

Just a reminder to folks (especially journalists) who rely on their iOS devices for work. You REALLY shouldn’t update to iOS14 this evening.

Your apps have a really good chance of not being ready.


Two daughters and a duck.

And… breathe.

A path into the woods at Woods Mill.