One Man's Notes

Foggy Sutton

British Martial Arts Training

British Fight School

On the Eurostar

I seem to be surrounded by sleepy French women on today's journey.

Le Web 3. C'est fini…

The conference is done. I'm pretty much done. Just staggered up from the bar , where I was drinking with Ross Mayfield of SocialText, Hugh MacLeod of Gaping Void and Tom Morris, as well as various folks from Six Apart.

It's the first time in years I've been to a conference where I was actually participating in the activities under discussion, not just reporting on them, and I loved it. I've made some great contacts, learnt some interesting things and my blog traffic has gone through the roof.

And I'm pissed.

Until tomorrow…

Eneken Mayfield and Hugh MacLeodGaping Void OfficeTom MorrisA Skype chap and Eneken & Ross Mayfield

Blogging from Le Web 3

I'm blogging the Le Web 3 confrenece in France, over on my other blog.

Vox Hunt: 'Tis the Season

Show us something seasonal.

Nothing says the Christmas season like massive queues at the Post Office.

Testing video uploads

Behold! The spider hand!

Test post from Vox Mobile

I don't know if you've seen it, but there's a handy-dandy Vox posting client for your mobile phone called, wait for it, Vox Mobile.

And I'm playing around with it and its capabilities.

Such fun!

The QEII Bridge

Another image from my sloooow journey yesterday.


I'm wondering if the bridge is shut because of the high winds...

Stuck on the M25

This is taking too long.

Voxy Stuff and Family Stuff

Oooh. New look Vox...

Some nice new features, including the ability to import posts from other systems and media from its existing url. That should be handy.

In other news, I'm back in Suffolk for the day, taking Mum for her latest dose of chemotherapy.

I'm really, really looking forward to having a complete week in the office next week.

QotD: This Song Makes Me Festive

What song gives you the most holiday cheer?
Submitted by Roxy.

Christmas With The Devil, which I first heard on Spinal Tap's seminal Break Like The Wind tour at the Royal Albert Hall.

It's also on the album of the same name.

By a spooky co-incidence, it's also being used as the theme for the BBC's Xmas trailer.

BBC 1 Christmas Trailer 1

QotD: Holiday Shopping

When do you start your holiday shopping?
Submitted by Murphy.

As late as humanly possible. I'm a bit rubbish at this sort of thing, and tend to everything in one afternoon's retail binge.

QotD: Tasty Thanksgiving Treat

What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
Submitted by Brennan.


Bloody Americans.

Cheering up a grumpy Friday...

Sweet Tired Cat

Open mouse

Grabbed on my phone.

QotD: Childhood Frights

What were you afraid of as a child that seems silly to you now?
Submitted by navelgazer.

There was a single scene in Tron that terrified me as a 10 year old when I first saw it. The hero of the movie is "shot" with a laser and digitised into the computer. I've no idea why it scared me so much, but I refused to have a computer in my bedroom, until getting my first Mac at university left me no choice.

While that particular fear is pretty much gone, I still get seriously freaked out by what you might call "cyber-horror", where human bodies are partially replaced by mechanical parts. The cyber-conversion scenes in the most recent series of Doctor Who really freaked me out, for example, as did "cyberwoman" from Torchwood.

QotD: Heartbreaker

What's your favorite heartbreak song?
Submitted by esta86.

My favourite is probably Here's Where the Story Ends, by Tin Tin Out.

Depending on my mood and the girl in question, Ordinary World by Duran Duran, Locked Out by Crowded House or even I Quit by Hepburn have all been soundtracks to heartbreak for me.

You'll not that my heartbreaks are very mainstream, very pop-y. How very teenage.

The Car Takes a Hit

This is what some charmer did to my car overnight:

The Megane takes a hitCracked Bumper

Thanks. Oh, and thanks for not leaving your insurance details.

Eva Green's Premiere Style

Talking of Casino Royale, did anyone see the Premiere pictures from early in the week? Eva Green, who plays the love interest in the movie, was wearing an outfit that really blew me away.

It's really eye-catching, very sexy, yet a million miles away from the "slinkly cocktail frock" approach that usually seems de rigeur for these events.

Despite showing less flesh than any movie star ever at a premiere (Judi Dench was showing more skin, for goodness' sake), she still managed to make the front page of several newspapers. Good work, that lady.

Eva Green 1Eva Green 3

Off to the pictures...

Off to see Casino Royale tonight. I'm more excited about this than any Bond film I've seen in years.

007 James Bond - Casino Royale Trailer

Back in LJ land (sorta)

You may have noticed that my Livejournal posts have dropped to almost nothing since Vox launched. I'm finding posting there a more satisfying experience.

Well, now I can cross-post to LJ from Vox, so you should be hearing a little more from me.

QotD: I Rock The Mic

What song makes you rock the karaoke mic?
Submitted by Ann.

No song does that. I last did karaoke about 14 years ago, and am in no hurry to do it again...

Mum at Sutton Hoo.

Mum has wanted to go to Sutton Hoo for years. On Sunday we finally went. More pics to follow…